September 3, 2012

Labor Day Drive- In

So, we have 2 drive-in's within a 30 mile distance from our home. One of them happens to be withing 3 miles. Have we gone? Yes. How many times? ONCE!

We talk about it all the time, yet it never seems to materialize. Well this weekend they were doing a 3 movie special - Mdagascar 3, BRAVE, and Ice Age 4. I think Stephen was the most eager to get out and go. Then the even better part was that on Sunday night they charged by the carload - $12.00 a car. That's cheaper then taking the kids to ONE movie at a theater. So we decided to go.

We came home from church, ate dinner and got ready to go. We had major snacks (way to many!) and we got in line. The drive-in hadn't even opened yet and there was a line that stretched all around the block! So we got in line and sat, and the cars kept piling up.

We finally got in and found a spot and get settled in. Cars kept rolling in, and because there were so many, they actually started a 1/2 hour late!

Before we decided to go, Savannah was concerned about going on Sunday. We talked about making it a matter of prayer and seeing what Heavenly Father wanted her to do, since she is getting close to 8 and will be making her own decisions. She is very good about praying about everything and receiving answers. So she did and felt it was ok. For some reason, Stephen felt it was important to go, and I know that seems weird, but sometimes you never know what Heavenly Father has up his sleeve :)

So they started the movie - it was great, then it was time for a short break while they got the 2nd one ready and of course EVERYONE had to pee. And I don't mean in my family, but in the whole theater! Jessa had to go so bad, and the line was so long.... AND they only had a ONE stall bathroom! So we went to the back of the parking lot and took her behind a tree and little building. A little embarrassing if anyone found us? Yes... would I rather that then a peed pants 3 year old? YES!

During this time, Dechlin and Stephen were getting some popcorn - we had so much sugar, something salty was very much needed! They ran into, literally, an older man and they began talking. There was no coincidence in this, because the normal conversation would have gone with some smiles and apologies. However they started talking and go into how this man is a Messianic Jew. Jewish by descent and a Rabbi, and then also a follower of Christ and a priest. I can't remember everything Stephen said they talked about, but it was really neat. Then the man asked if he could give Dechlin a blessing. Stephen obliged and said it was beautiful. He said things to Dechlin that he needed to hear at this time and I am so grateful. It is interesting how Heavenly Father works, and how the spirit can inspire someone to help and nurture someone else.

Needless to say, we made it not even half way into the 2nd movie, and we were all falling asleep. So we came home - definitely worth the experience :)

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